What We Believe

Ridgewood CRC was founded in 1965, as the population of the Jenison area was booming with young families moving away from the city.

Because of this rapid population growth, churches that had already been established needed additional facilities.

From this need, Ridgewood was born.

We have been at the corner of Baldwin St and Ridgewood Ave since our building was erected in 1968. 

Our beliefs are grounded in our membership in the Christian Reformed Church of North America. Click here for more information about the denomination we belong to called the Christian Reformed Church.



We believe that Jesus Christ is Savior and Lord. We strive to follow Jesus in all that we do.


We emphasize the Bible as the Word of God, the only dependable guide for life and faith.  Since the Bible is God’s Word, we expect Him to speak to us in it, and we approach His Word with reverence, anticipation and humility.  We believe in the sovereignty of God over every part of life.  And we believe that salvation comes by grace alone—a gift from God.  Because of that grace, the Christian life is one of gratitude that shows itself in service and love. 


As the people of God, we need each other—for love, support, encouragement and correction. Our faith is nurtured in our togetherness. To be the Body of Christ and to serve God’s world effectively, we need each other!